Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Y'all ... Got Me Really Confused Out There...

I write [“Too Many (women)…]” or ["Who’s The Best MC…"] one of those
They hail me as the greatest [blogger] of the 21st century
I make some thought provokin' shit
Y'all question whether he fallin' off
I'ma really confuse y'all on this one…

I swear, you ever have one of those days when your efforts aren’t appreciated? I don’t. And why don’t I? Two words –“self promotion.” And that will be the extent of the lesson today.

Sike! (When was the last time y’all pulled a “sike”? And who are these people who spell “sike” with a “p”? Y’all know who y’all are, with your “psyke’s” or worse your “pyche’s.” The word is sike. It is spelled with the letter “S”. And this is a “Fell Clutch is brought to you today by the letter “S”; and by the number ‘1’…” digression.) For those among you who are new to the army, we strive to provoke thoughts, fights and actions. I don’t care if you are as liberal as Cynthia, or as conservative as Lashawn, so long as you honestly care about black people, you are welcome. Because, across the blogosphere folks fight, rant, rave and preach to the choir. But not here. Here, we think.

That said, I also promised more voices besides mine, and more importantly more points of view. If I expose you to differing theories, you are forced to give thought to things you ordinarily wouldn’t. Thus you grow, or at least become more interesting at dinner parties.

Today, I am offering without comment, what is either a very short movie or a really long trailer. Either way, it offers some food for thought, and comes your way from Viperteq, over at 7andacrescent.com. I respect Viper. And we don't always agree. In fact, as a poor righteous teacher, I am sure he doesn't fully agree with my take on the Middle East situation. And that is okay. We don't have to agree on everything to respect one another.

And-- surprise-- I don’t fully agree with the premise of the movie either, but I am going to have to do some research of my own -- and I encourage you all to do the same, and that is the whole point, now isn't it? So without further ramblings…
(oh, and Lucky, you better be on point Friday), or further (Freddie) Adieu…:

Aight fam, here it is. Before I hit you with the link let me say that I'm giving this clip to you because I respect what you’re about. It's clear that you're about helping people get their shit together even though sometimes they don't wanna help themselves. You have the ear of a lot of people and you have the influence to get this seen by the right folk. I want to make something happen with this information, but I just don't have the reach. So I'm hoping that you can help me do what needs to be done: start getting the word out and educating people about the truth. Here's the link to the video.



Once you have viewed the movie, feel free to explore the Constitution; the IRS Code; The National Archives Page on Executive Orders; and the site for the movie. Read more about it!