Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm Raised Different

react in situations Niggas lay stiff in,
rookies blame it on the age difference...

This one is gonna be short. I gotta catch a flight, but a promise is a promise. Monday, Wednesday and Friday you were promised, and I will deliver.

When the pressure is on, the very first thing you have to do is...STOP. See, I was reminded today, as I fielded frantic calls and email from every possible angle. This one is frantic that the sky is falling, that one is frantic because the water's rising.

Do you know what gives me calm? Three things, and I am sharing them with you.

1. Never take ownership of that which isn't yours. I cannot go into panic mode for someone else. Worry? Sure. Show and be concerned? Absolutely. Assume their panic/depression/defeat as my own? Nope. That is the problem with over-emoting. I'm not doing it. If it is a problem, we'll handle it. If you don't want to handle it, don't bother me with it either.

2. Only 5% of the problem is the problem itself. The other 95% of the problem is how we handle it. How we react and respond to the situation makes all the difference. Period.

3. Do one thing at a time. Folks love to multi-task. We all need to sometimes. Except in crisis. In crisis, do one thing, and do it well. Think of it like this; if it is raining and your in a leaky boat trying to fix a dam that has sprung a leak, fix one thing at a time. Start with the dam, or the boat. It doesn't matter which one. But do one thing at a time. Don't (as so many people do) use one hand to fix the leaky boat, use another to hold an umbrella, and stick your foot in the dam. That is stupid.

On that note, hope everyone had a wonderful 4th. I am off to the airport. See ya's on Friday.