Monday, June 12, 2006

The Big Willie Get You Chilly When I Pass


I got a question. Which one is worse, a black congressman who is crazy, or one that is dirty? Give up. While I hate crazy motherfuckers, I loathe (SAT word. I got vocab digressions, bitches!) fucking dirty sons of bitches.

Take William Jefferson for instance. Willie- fucking – Jefferson. If you get past the fact that his fucking parents saddled him with a name built to be the kid who has herpes on one of those “hard-hitting” episodes of Good Times or Welcome Back Kotter – Excuse me Mr. Kot-ter… Yes Willie? I am dripping from down there… (I should’ve been a screenwriter dammit! And this is a delusional digression!), then what you are left with is a straight pimp. Wassup Pimp! Shout-out to Big Willie! I see ya Playa! Catching stacks of cash, and putting that shit on froze -- or just in the freezer.

As May was melting away to the summer heat that is June, Congressman William (Big Willie) Jefferson, (D) La. [Yeah, I make C-Span notations – my shit is professional! And this too, is a digression] flush with a fresh stack, nay – brick – of cash that he received from an undercover FBI agent went home and put that shit in the freezer. The freezer!

What the fuck does this nig – no, I won’t deign to call this fucker that word… That word is a term of endearment. I hate this fucker. – what the fuck does this cocksucker (I like that one better) think he is, Rayful Edmond or some shit? (Editorial note, the Rayful comment you just read was designed to drive more readership. You’d be surprised to know how many niggas are looking that nigga up. And on that note; Aaron Jones, Junior Black Mafia, Alpo, Supreme Team. Now all you wanna-be gangstas can read something political and educational. And that was a dirty trick digression.)

Better yet, what kind of hillbilly- Louisiana-backwoods-depression era- moonshiner running from the revenuers - bullshit is this? Who puts their cash in the freezer? I can only assume that this cocksucker stopped off at Stacy Adams and copped a new blue suit, sheer socks, pointy shoes and a matching blue derby. Cause aside from that, I really can’t imagine who does this sort of thing. On second thought, you and I both know that he went home, put on a wife-beater and a doo-rag and was chillin. After all, he is a big willie.

Or, since his game was grown and he was a Harvard educated lawyer – with an advanced law degree in taxation to boot – maybe he’d prefer I called him William. I need to try that freezer thing. I guess it was a tax loop-hole I was unaware of. It don’t count if it’s in your freezer. So, why am I mad that this back-water bastard – a.k.a. cocksucker – got caught with his hand in the till? Not like he is the first, nor will he be the last. But he offends me for three reasons.

First, he is a black man, and as such he represents us. Thus, his failure offends me, if only because he was neither capable nor suitable to hold that position. When you choose to represent us in such a public forum, you must us represent well, and paramount to that particular undertaking is that you must be beyond reproach. I know it isn’t fair, but when those of us who have been given the best of chances fucks up, those of us who are given no chance bear the brunt of that transgression. Here, Booker T. Washington and I are of one accord, we must master the world’s impression of who we are, and ‘crack-head’ mayors and cocksuckers who ‘put they cheddar on froze,’ tend to be remembered better than Andrew Young or Thurgood Marshall. It ain’t fair, but it is so. As a result, he betrayed his duty to us, and as I mentioned previously, if you fuck us, then I’ve no use for you. Beyond that, I guarren-damn-tee you that he will soon be saying that he is being “unfairly targeted” as a result of his “blackness.” Or, how about this one, “As a result of my tireless efforts to help those black citizens of my state who were so tragically and disproportionately impacted by hurricane Katrina, I have found myself a target of a politically and racially motivated investigation…” I hate this bastard already.

Secondly, he is also a bitch. He got caught, and he has a right to fight. I believe this in my heart of hearts. Hell, I’d take the case. But, rather than man-up and do the right thing, and step down from his congressional assignments, this bitch is like, “No!” No? No? Bitch, they got you on tape taking 90 fucking thousand dollars and putting it in your fucking freezer. (Can you tell, this freezer thing is blowing the shit out of me?) At least, you Harvard-educated-Georgetown - LLM obtaining bastard, have the fucking moral decency to resign your fucking committees! But no, he won’t. As an aside, he won’t because I anticipate one of his many-many defenses will be that he cannot be charged while in office. He already has moved to suppress the fruits of the search of his office.

Third, he is allowing the Congressional Black Caucus to stand beside him. Not only will he go down with the ship, but this cocksucker is willing to take our whole fucking navy with him. In his defense, them niggas (see, endearment) might need a good sinking, marginalized ass bastards that they are. But damn. Take one for the team, or failing that, at least let the team keep playing. Shit.

See, Cynthia Mckinney did something I thought was wrong and nutty. Largely because she is wrong and nutty. But aside from some mild electoral hi-jinx early on in her career, she seems honest. She honestly believes her shit. I don’t have to agree with her nuttiness, but I respect her honesty in being nutty. I can’t ever say I didn’t know. Hell, she knows. But this “Harvard” man (his website takes great pains to mention the illustrious Harvard education obtained by him and a couple of his children) took 90 grand and flushed his career down the fucking toilet. And took a little of our collective dignity with him.