Friday, April 14, 2006

Lock My Body Can't Trap My Mind

Easily explain why we adapt to crime
I'd rather die enormous than live dormant...

There is usefulness in all things. Cynthia McKinney has become a polarizing force, and a useful ‘tool’ in the discussion of race in this country, and I intend to offer my theory on what is really going on.

But before I do that, let me thank Cynthia – Daniels, not McKinney – for making me consider what I am going to say. She and I share one thing – the most important thing there is – an enduring love and concern for black people. And I respect her. So, check her out.

Now that the preamble is written (now I have carte blanche to say what I want, cause I have given respect, so let’s get raw...) Cynthia during the course of our discussion (here) displayed something that I have noticed and pondered for years, yet never expressed or fleshed out fully. Cynthia—and most black nationalists—are afraid of white people.

White people, particularly in a group of more than one, give many black people anxiety, paranoia, and convulsions bordering on psychotic. Why else does the (black) world lose its mind when a James Byrd incident comes along? For the same reason white America loses its mind when a black man car jacks or rapes a white woman. Fear.

Listen there are crazy ass niggas and crazy ass rednecks all over the country. Hell some crazy ass nigga just killed 3 generations of his family in Pennsylvania, and I am sure if I read the Boise Redneck Courier Times (or whatever the fucking paper is called) there will be the story of some Meph’d out toothless redneck who hates niggers and beats his ‘Maw.’ Each one of these crazy motherfuckers exists in the world. Cause crazy motherfuckers exist in the world. Their apparent race is incidental to their craziness.

Fear. Y’all scared of white folks. Fear. You ever know that bother or sister who got a job, did some shit like run perpetually late or curse out their boss or co-workers, got fired and then say, “they racist.” Always it is some larger scheme to destroy black people.

But what is the destructive force in the black community? BLACK PEOPLE. The white man doesn’t do “hand to hands” on the corner. The white man doesn’t sell “stop snitching” tee shirts (and thereby encourage a general lawlessness in the black community).

Let me get intellectual on y’all for a minute. Let’s take the notion of education in this country. Most black children go to predominantly black schools in black neighborhoods. They are taught by black teachers, who are supervised by black administrators. White people don’t make or break black schools. Yet, black schools are considered by black people inferior. Without commenting on the merits (or lack thereof) of that perception, I bring it forward to illustrate my point. Many black people believe that the only way to teach black children is to have them taught by black teachers. The fear here is that a white teacher wouldn’t “understand” the “needs” of black children. I suppose conjugation of verbs in Ebonics is so terribly complicated that 3 +3 = 6, might be better explained as, “if I have 3 keys of china white, and I rob Paco for 3 more keys then I have enough for a brand new BMW 6 with 22’s.

In lieu of encouraging an environment where the BEST teacher teaches black children, there is a movement to keep it in house. That would be fine – I am a product of a HBCU and am proud to be a Coppinite – but the whole point of Brown v. Board of Education was to provide black children the right to learn from the best in any and every field. Today, black fear has devolved into a movement to segregate schools again. Omaha, anyone?

And when 41 lacrosse players raped a black woman (allegedly, I make no value judgments at this time, but it ain’t looking good unless the rapists all wore condoms and shaved their pubic hairs) many screamed in outrage. Notwithstanding the fact that a white woman is most likely to be raped by a white man and a black woman is most likely to be raped by a black man – to the extent that they are likely to be raped at all. This is fear.

Fear, it has been proffered, caused Cynthia McKinney to hit the policeman. She was “afraid” the white man yelling “Madam” was going to hurt her. Fear.

Cynthia Daniels, when asked if she feared white people, said essentially, “no, but...” Everything after the “but” identifies her fear. I suggest you ask your friends if they fear white people. I think the amount of “no, but’s” you get will surprise you.

If you are at the car dealership and no one speaks to you, do you conclude “race”? That is fear. I know that is fear because, in talking to white people, they too are ignored in some dealerships. Some salesmen just suck. Some are racist. It is hard to know which is which. But fear makes the issue clear.

When white women clutch their purse in an elevator with a black man, that is fear. When black people assume rudeness by a white person is racial, that too is fear.

We are all scared of everyone else.

OJ Simpson chopped the head off of two white people, and walked. Partially because everyone feared that LA would turn into Rodney King part two, and partially because Mark Furman said “nigger”. (And in no small part to the single greatest litigator of the 20th century. RIP, Bro. Cochran.) Fear.

Lionel Tate brutally murdered a 9 year old black girl, and rather than spend the rest of his life behind bars, there was commentary about the criminalization of a young black boy. Never mind, that he robbed a pizza delivery man at gunpoint months after his release. Fear.
I am tired of fear. I will no longer accept “scardey-assed” niggas claiming racism at every turn.

Here’s a fact. When racism existed in the open, our families were more intact, and less of our children were born out of wedlock. Whitey? I think not.

Here’s a fact, thinking that you would not want to be black if you are white is not racism. Thinking that you would not want to be white if you are black is not racism.

Thinking that you are inherently better than someone else by virtue of your skin color, or the absence or presence of melanin is racism. Ain’t that right, Frances Cress Welsing?

Fear. Calling white people, “the Man”, or “oppressor” gives power to them, in the same way that calling yourself “victim” or “enslaved” weakens you. Your mind, subconsciously will fear the “oppressor”, and that fear will paralyze you.

Black people, back when we were indeed oppressed, once believed that we had to outperform white folk. We said it and more importantly we lived it. Today, when we are the masters of our fate, we talk of being oppressed. We used to talk of “overcoming” and voting and empowerment. Today we talk of unfairness, and DWB, and conspiracy.


Lock my body – let come what may – CAN’T LOCK MY MIND – I stand empowered to achieve – I’d rather die enormous than live dormant – and I will achieve, until my last dying breath, without fear.