Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm Representin’ For The Seat Where Rosa Parks Sat...

Where Malcolm X was shot,
Where Martin Luther was popped...

How do we remember our heroes? Americans – all of us, black, white (that show is useless, by the way. College Hill on the other hand, Holla! I got digressions for days!), brown and red (is red even still ‘pc’? I’m red, though I’m no ‘red’, No McCarthy! Son is illin’, Redd is chillin...What more can I say? Digressions!) all love to raise our heroes to mythic levels. It is common and expected. But what happens when, in our rush to correct an injustice, we wipe out the heroic act?

I ask this question in light of a move by the Alabama legislature (we can trust them, right?) to pardon those convicted of violations of Jim Crow.

“I can't imagine anyone opposing this," said Republican Rep. Steve McMillan. (source)

I can. Me. I’m going to tell you all for the fifty eleventh-million time, be careful accepting gift horses. Let me get this straight, Alabama proposes to pardon all those convicted of violating Jim Crow, and in one fell swoop gets to wipe the slate clean, and believe you-me, that is the outcome of this move, slate wiping.
Rosa Parks violated an unjust law. She was convicted of that violation. Alabama has to remember that. Damn that, “let’s let bygones be bygones” shit. Y’all did it, now y’all got to live with it. Forever. Period. History will judge you deservedly harshly for your transgression.

I am not in favor of the “whitewashing” (pun? Me? Never.) of history, a la Germany post WWII. You ever read a German history textbook? It goes like this...
“After the First World War, everyone went on vacation in the Alps. When we got back, there was East Germany and West Germany, until Ronald Regan asked the East Germans to take down the wall. And we all lived happily ever after.”

Damn that. America fucked up. It should always remember its fuck up, and never forget said fuck up, to ensure that it never repeats said fuck up.
Not that I don’t love my country. I do. With all my heart. But I’ll be God damned before I let America forget that our contribution to this country includes finishing the revolution that our forefathers (and yes negroes, they are ours too, whether we like them or not. But I like ‘em just fine. No Brokeback,) started in 1776.

Land of the free home of the brave was an incomplete thought until WE bravely said, “beat us, hose us, stone and lynch us, but we will be free!” So yes America, you owe us a debt of thanks, because until we pulled Uncle Sam by his scruffy beard, he was a hypocrite.

Thus, taking a page from the Jews, I say, “Never Forget!”, and moreover, never, ever, ever, ever allow anyone to sweep it under the rug. Especially not the same Alabama legislature that convicted our heroes in the first place.