Friday, July 07, 2006

The Doors Of The Church Are Now Reopened… AND FABULOUS!!!

~Young Lucky

…I'm working out hard still at age 60, trying to retard age, riding hard.

~President Bush July 6, People Magazine Interivew.

"Riding hard?" Oh boy.

In light of Sonny’s recent meanderings on the Black church as well as a short but fairly interesting discussion of gay marriage by the Washington Post, topped by a discussion (argument) I’ve been having with a grown as person this past week, I feel compelled to take a stab (pun intended) at gay marriage

A few weeks ago, President Bush in desperate need of a political boost from his growingly disgruntled base, went to the bench and called on the ever-reliable vote to ban gay marriage. I call it the Serena Williams Amendment. Why Serena you ask? She’s fresh, she gets her fans energized, it’s nice to see her ass out there on the court, but in the end Serena is almost ALWAYS disappointing. Don’t worry thought, just like the marriage amendment, Serena’s fans will be out there to watch next go round. (OR maybe next time, President Bush will pull out the Venus Williams Amendment, also known as a ban on abortion.)

I grew up in the church. For grammar school, I went to a white, Christian, conservative private institution. My family and I went to church upwards to three times a week and while I used to complain about it then, some of the greatest lessons in my life have been taught at the 7:00 AM service on Sunday morning. (You know how churches like to wake Niggas up).

I give you a quick biography to show that I am by no means a crazy radical leftist morally relative liberal who views gay marriage as one crucial piece to achieving the ultimate goal of, I don’t know…communism. No, I just can’t figure this one out.

The Black church is ridden with not only pocket heavy ministers but with a congregation that sometimes lacks critical thinking skills. The church welcomes 15-year-old Tanisha who is having a baby outside of marriage…. They welcome Rashaan who’s embarking on his 4th marriage… they help Mr Jenkins back into rehab and accept him when he gets out… but Brother Howard, the minister of music, whose actions are hurting no one but himself (if he’s a bottom) ... He’s a fag! Ew! Gross! That’s UN-ACC-EPTABLE.

And while the actions of Tanisha and the rest will no doubt bring judgment, trash talk and rejection from a loving, tolerant, accepting Black church, fags and dikes…well they get the added bonus of hate speech and constitutional legislation. Whaaa?? Here in Boston, churches that wont gay bash have grown accustom attaching rainbow flags on their doors (as if we are living in prewar Germany.)

"If the KKK opposes gay marriage, I would ride with them," Reverend Gregory Daniels, a black minister from Chicago

Dumb ass church Negro. The Church Negro’s argument against gays differs from the other positions. Below are some of my favorites:

1) I hate when those gays say that their civil rights are being violated! What do they know about civil rights.

Excuse me? Bitch, what do YOU know about civil rights?! Notwithstanding a quick trip around the corner to KFC, these mothafuckers haven’t marched ANYWHERE. In fact, those who have marched (Al Sharpton, Corretta Scott King, and the members of the CBC all support gay rights). Secondly The last time I checked, Black folks don’t have strict ownership over civil rights. Niggas didn’t Copyright that shit. And as far as I’m concerned, whenever the parental role of an adopted child is dependant upon which state I’m in, I sure as hell gonna claim a violation of my civil rights.

2) Well…God Damn it Young Lucky, it’s a choice! A choice I say! You don’t see that mess going around the black church

Oh yeah? It’s a choice. I’m a struggling black man in the South. I choose to live a life of secrecy and shame (until the age of 60 when I’m caught enjoying a copy of “Long Dong Silver” [a Clarence Thomas digression.]) Furthermore, since the verdict is out on homosexual biogenetics, the only way one could know it’s a choice, is if they in fact chose that choice. And gay and lesbian blacks are all over the God damn place – probably sitting behind ye ole’ church organ in his fly purple suit from Penny’s.

3) Whatever Lucky, it’s their upbringing. There parents made them like this. Daughters to close to their fathers… Mothers to close to their sons.

Tell that to Mary Cheney. Tell that to Maya Marcel-Keyes, the daughter of Alan Keyes, the bug-eyed former Senate opponent of Barrack Obama. I’m sure these two ladies grew up in households where vagina was always an option on the menu. Mr Keyes, you should have never bought your daughter that Birkenstock Barbie! Now look what happened!

The last time I checked, churches can’t marry people anyway. Only the government can. Are marriages outside the church not recognized by God? Are marriages performed solely by the Government not recognized by the church.? Or are the two mutually exclusive. It’s time for the black church to have an HONEST discussion about homosexuality. OR Send Serena’s ass back to the bench and let’s focus on the real issues. You know what they are.