Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Too Many [women] Wanna B Ladies, So If You A Hoe...

I'ma call you a hoe, too many bitches are shady
Too many ladies give these niggaz too many chances
Too many brothers wannabe lovers don't know what romance is
Too many bitches stuck up from too many sexual advances
No question; Jay-Z got too many answers

Alright. Perhaps I am a bit judgmental. So what? I ain’t got to love everybody. I do have to know how to relate to everybody, but I ain’t got to love all y’all-- beyond what Jesus said I should ( and I am an Episcopalian, so that means I ain’t got to be AS loving as some of y’all do) –and I don’t have to respect everything everybody do. (Nor must I respect everything that everyone else chooses to engage in. Just reminding all 3 of my faithful and patient readers that my years of education didn’t fall upon deaf ‘fingers’.) All I have to do is respect another motherfucker's house. So, Kajuana, out of repect to your house, this is what I think in my words.

Some shit in the black community (and white, I don’t discriminate) is fucked up. Y’all done lost ya minds with some of the shit that we actually discuss. Not the discussion. That’s academic, and appreciated. But some folk are defending the indefensible.

Let me clarify, once and for all. Babies born out of wed-lock is fucked up. Period. No debate. How you gonna holler, “well, I had a Moms and Pops, and both them motherfuckers was fucked up, so a baby don’t need both parents...”? What? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. In fact, fuck that and fuck you. Where the fuck does the leap that because your particular parents was fucked up, and some lil’ spoiled fuckers in Columbine that had a Mom and Dad went and shot up the school, Moms and Pops together in the home are unnecessary? You ain’t thinking clear. Stop that silliness. I’m sure lil’ Typhani in the ghetto is really looking for the date when Pookie don’t pull out, so’s she can sing Fantasia’s song, too. And that bitch is illiterate, so her stupid ass has an excuse. What’s yours?

And let’s really put the blame where it belongs, shall we? (As an aside, don’t even consider intimating that perhaps I shouldn’t have an opinion because I have a male appendage. I will put you on blast. This my house, bitch. Come correct or keep that shit to yourself.) I’m gonna do this in bold print so none of y’all miss the point. EVERY.SINGLE.BASTARD.CHILD.BORN.IN.AMERICA.WAS.BORN (but for rape/incest/other molestation) BECAUSE.THE.MOTHER.CHOSE.TO.HAVE.THE.CHILD.
You clear on that? It is a logical truism, that --in the 21st Century --is so rarely ever incorrect as to make it a nullity. Can you pull the exception out for argument’s purposes? Sure can. Stupid motherfucker, we ain’t talking about exceptions. We’re talking about what you envisioned for your child before you had any. If your ass didn’t envision Mom and Dad and a happy household, then you were sick and needn’t reproduce. Unfortunately, the odds suggest that you now have 5 children of varying ages, and one day I’ll have to lock my doors in my hood because of lil’ Hashid Lavonne, but I digress.

Why is it so true that the mother bears the additional responsibility? Because in America in the 21st Century, she can abort it. Not that I am for or against abortion. I would never impede a woman’s right to choose. But, as they say in Spiderman (I’m a geek, so what?) “with great power comes great responsibility.” You have the right to suck that thing right on out, so you have the responsibility for bearing the scars of a bad decision. I’ve said it before, but y’all fuckers forget...heavy is the head that wears the crown. See, Dad has no say either way. A dirty trick if you ask me, and probably the result of some anti-feminists with a hidden agenda, but such is life. The dad can’t tell you not to have it, nor can he tell you to have it. Shit, in most states even your parents can’t stop you (and I am cool with that.)

I guess the point of this ebonically-tinged post is to say one of my three pillars to success (the other two being commerce and education) is FAMILY. Ask any one of my “ex’s” who are all perfectly happy not to have borne my seed into the world, because those women’ll be the first to tell you that my stubborn, judgmental, determined, persistant ass would never leave. Not until my seed was grown. The whole damn point of this grind is family. As long as we, (white,black, green, or blue,) as a people continue to look at a loving complete family unit as an oddity, then we will be right where we are today.

That’s it. I’m spent.
