Thursday, October 13, 2005

Allow me to re-introduce myself; My name is SON!

After a long deserved rest, I’m back bitches! Thought I forgot about y’all, huh? Nope. I got things to say, dammit.

First off—The Ultimate Hustler! That is my favorite show, if only because it illustrates how ill-prepared most folks are for the real world (though in contrast, most of these cats should have been on the Real World.) How are you going to go to a reception for your perspective employer in a do-rag? I don’t care if it is the silky one that matches your Phat Farm shirt. How are you going to go in a Phat Farm shirt anyway? Nary a soul had on a suit, or even a blazer? Ok, newsflash—it is ok, if not a must, to wear a jacket to a function. Even a ‘Hip-Hop’ function. Trust me, I’ve done it. You stand out, in a good way, and not the 1991 “Strictly Business” (with Halle Berry and the brother who is now a republican shill—oh and Tommy Davidson, too. Where is he now? Fell off like Big Daddy Kane—Wait, BDK is hot again, so I guess he fell off like...well, like Tommy Davidson.) way.
So last week, Dame cut the dude who got drunk at the reception, and the dude who lost his chain. (Conspiracy theorists note—the white girl lost her chain, too; but got to stay. Conspiracy? You decide. BZZZZ. Wrong. No conspiracy, she looked for hers and found it. The Puerto Rican’s is on E-bay right now. He’s a hustler. Ax about him.) This week, Dame cuts the negro who gambled away his watch playing dice. Too funny.

But let’s recap—Getting drunk on duty, losing your chain, and gambling on duty—all signs that you are a ef-up. So far, Dame’s doing pretty darned well. Can’t wait for the first UH fight. You know it’s coming.

Also as an aside, the white kid on the show, let’s call him ‘Token’; doesn’t he remind you of Dave Chappelle’s Real Real World. Great show. As another aside, I must admit that I have also been watching Martha Stewart’s Apprentice. Negroes and Gays always make great reality TV.

Politically, Meiers is a non-entity; Rove is going to get indicted; Delay is going to get off; and hopefully, McCain get the Republican nomination (though I'll vote for Condy cause I have too--or Hillary if McCain doesn't get the nod).

Personally...ahh, you thought I was gonna let something slip. Sheet, I'm a huster homey. Peep the last episode.

That’s it for me. I’m out.