Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Nuclear Peace Treaty In The Senate and Names Revisited

Alright, so I flaked out on finishing my “expose” on the death of Malcolm X. Let me not leave you in suspense any further, the Nation of Islam killed him. The End. Also, while I’m doing “exposes,” Oswald killed Kennedy and Coke is better than Pepsi. Now, on to other things.

Seems there was an accord reached in the Senate yesterday. I for one am glad. I have grown tired of this non-story, and the endless explanations on the network news shows of what a filibuster is. Here’s a point I’d like to make, though. Conservatives, please STOP calling the network news liberal. They’re not. If you want proof then look no further than the news shows explanation of the filibuster. Strom Thurman was dutifully noted by all the shows as holding the record for the longest filibuster ever. But not one outlet that I watched mentioned that ole Strom was filibustering.the.Civil.Rights.Act. Guess his daughter pissed him off that week, huh.

I am truly happy that a deal has been reached, but I am even happier that (1) conservatives and liberals both hate it; (2) and John McCain brokered the deal. That my friends, is diplomacy. Senator McCain gets it. He really does. I’ll be right out on the forefront of his campaign.

See, the thing that the far right conservatives, who have gone totally ape-shit, have forgotten is the word “compromise.” To them there is no such thing. Because they have a mandate from God (and 51% of the general voter population) any compromise is a betrayal of principles. Damn it all to hell.

For the lefties, this deal will allow 3 “extremist” judges on the bench, thus threatening them with a curtailment of abortion rights, and “gasp” having to be present while someone else prays to God.

If the “Chistian-istas” and the “Leftists” are both upset, then I know that Senator McCain has done the right thing. See, both of these sides are just as loony as the day is long. “Christian-istas” with their whole belief that judgment is neigh, but in the meantime let’s return to 1600’s puritanicalisim (shit, I have no interest in ‘going back’ to the 1600’s, 1700’s or 1960’s for that matter. My people just got the right sit where we want on the bus, I ain’t giving that up.) And “Leftists” with their belief that homosexuality is normal, but praying in public ain’t. (Look, if the “Christian-istas” can keep it in the closet, so can the “fasionistas.” Fair is fair.)

As I’ve mentioned before, politics (along with economics) is the mechanism through which society allocates resources for the common good. It is a give and take, which is why most politicians give promises and take donations. It is how the world goes round.

There is no underlying principle that has been terribly offended because there are no principles in politics. Except of course (conservatives take note) the principle that the show must go on. See, while the GOP was rattling the saber of the “nuclear option,” the
Dems were ready, willing and able to ‘gum up the works’ and bring the congressional pace down to a level that would make a snail’s craw would look like a bee line. There were threats on both sides. As with most nuclear strikes, such a move would have resulted in mutually assured destruction.

In other news, a Texas girl is upset when her yearbook picture with the Honor Society lists her merely as “black girl.” Now, I’m about to make a whole lot of folks angry with this one, but I don’t smell racism. I am delighted by the story because it sheds light on the “Name Game” memo I wrote to parents a while back. See, the young lady was named Shadoyia. The editors of the yearbook could not spell “Shadoyia.” I cannot spell “Shadoyia.” I am mildly shocked her mother could, but I digress. Shadoyia was the only black girl in the photo, and the editors listed her as “Black Girl” as a place holder. They then never corrected her name.

Black folks, this is not a racial issue. This is a name issue. If the girl’s name was Nancy Jones, and the editors listed her as “Black Girl” then there might have been an issue. Still wouldn’t be national news, but defiantly worth looking in to. Shadoyia, I am sorry this happened to you, but you’ll live.