Monday, May 09, 2005

Who does God want me to vote for?

The God Squad.

Seems that George W. Bush leads by divine right. For those unaware, divine right means simply that you are ruler by God’s fiat. And as we ALL know, failure to follow God’s plan leads us to the fiery pits of h-e-double hockey sticks.

Seems some preacher out in North Cakalackey, i.e. North Carolina, done went and got himself into one heap mess o’ trouble. Looks like he didn’t cotton too kindly to the whole fair and free elections idea. Went and tol’ his parishioners that John Kerry was the Devil, and that voting for him was the devil’s work. You know, what with all the baby killin’ and homo-sex-u-ahs that they got in that there Demo-(sounds like Demon) cratic Party, trying to take away our jobs and our guns, they had to be the devil.

So, ole’ Pastor Chandler went and expelled a whole bunch o’ commie pinko Democrats from the East Waynesville Baptist Church. Now, the church is all God-fearing Republicans.

This story is silly. I am not so upset at the Pastor as I am with his parishioners. He was only Pastor of this church for 3 years, however some of the expelled members had been members for over 25 years. While I am not sure of Jesus’ take on gambling, drinking, and smoking, a.k.a. the fun stuff, I do know that there is a whole section on false prophets and the danger thereof.

Look, if you believe in your Pastor, great. However, aside from the previously mentioned Queen of England, I have no spiritual head, other than the head that God gave me. If someone you’ve only known for 3 years gives a great speech, and then tells you to turn on someone you’ve known for 10 or 20 years, and you consider doing it, there is a problem.

I am amazed that only 40 members left the church in disgust.

In other news, staying with my anti-nut theme, in the legislature of great state of Alabama, rather than vote on a bill which would ban any book written by a gay author, or that had gay characters, Alabama lawmakers simply chose not to be present for the bill when it came for a vote. The bill, thankfully died, but I wonder if it died in the manner it deserved. I can just see next year’s political ads. “Didja know that Senator Blah blah voted to let our schools continue to be inundated with homosexual books by homosexuals. I think that Senator Blah blah is secretly a homosexual.” I am sure this was entirely intentional. To quote the mob, “why take a chance?”

What do these two seemingly unrelated events share; an unhealthy mingling of someone’s interpretation of God and politics.

Political science may be defined as the science of who gets what, when. Politics then, by extension is the mechanism of who gets what, when. Politics are the natural extension of economics, which also allocates resources, albeit on a more quid pro quo basis. Politics is the economics of society. Politics decides how society’s problems will be solved so that society can continue to function. Everyone rarely gets what they want in politics, just as everyone rarely gets what they want in economics. There are too many wants and not enough resources.

But God wants everything for all of His children. All political decisions aren’t religious ones. God likes it when we all give Him His glory. And He likes it when we all live in peace with one another. In fact, we are giving Him His glory when we live in peace with one another.

Some of the Bible thumpers out there are going to take me to task for this. So what. Find me scripture that suggests it is our duty to subjugate all to our beliefs. (While you’re at it show me the prohibition against smoking, drinking and gambling.) Some of you would follow your pastor to the jungles of Guyana for some punch.

I like my politics, like I like my porn, God free. I know I will pay for my porn come the judgment, but somehow I think I’ll take my chances. To quote Tupac, Only God can judge me.

And only I can judge my politicians.