Friday, May 06, 2005

Cops handcuff 7 year old boy; and boy am I glad!

Kids! What the hell is wrong with these kids today!?!?!

Just when we thought it was safe to come out of the house, we have this.

Police in Boston handcuffed a little boy after he hit several people including 3 police officers. Add this to the “hubbub” about the 7 year old girl in Tampa, who was similarly cuffed, and the 6 year old boy in Florida who was tazed, and you’ve got a whole lot of people, mostly parents, ready to cry foul.

I have waffled on this issue for a while. Tazing a 6 year old, while it is probably everyone’s fantasy (admit it, you’re on a plane/in the mall/at the movies/ and there is a little shit who won’t shut up/sit down/stop screaming/ and some dim witted parent who won’t meet your steely gaze because he/she knows that their child needs a beating), is a little harsh.

Then I read this quote from a woman interviewed in the Boston Case:

“Some parents waiting outside the school for their children Friday said the use of handcuffs was excessive.
‘He's only seven, that's young,’ said Lori Correia. ‘If they had done that to my daughter, I would not be happy. No matter what she had done.’"
There you have it. Parents will forgive their children ANYTHING. Fine. Well parents, here’s a newsflash- Cops will lock up your angel.

Lock them down. I’m serious. Lock the little shits down. If their parents have raised them to go out and act like this, and nobody can beat their little asses, then fine, lock them down.

I know, I know. The little kid in Boston has ADHD. So what. Think they didn’t have ADHD in 1978 when I was 5? Nobody was running around beating down teachers then. Okay, I’ll admit I broke Mrs. DeSantis’ ankle while I was in the first grade, but I didn’t mean it, AND I was a little shit too. Hell, by today’s standards, I had ADHD. I hate these old made-up assed illnesses. Just a conspiracy by drug makers, is all. But that is another post unto itself.

But to be serious, it is interesting to note that while all agree that the children should have been restrained using any reasonable means, no one has suggested just what "reasonable" means should have been used. Okay, there are those that suggested ‘time out.’ Time out? The shit’s tearing stuff up. You really think he/she is going to go into time out?

When children are hitting teachers or other students, ADHD or not, that child should be in handcuffs. PARTICULARLY when students hit teachers. The message should be swift; hitting a teacher is a no-no.

Remember, schools are NOT day care centers. If your child acts out, he should be punished, regardless whether or not the parent does it at home.

Now you got two kids who had to wear handcuffs for acting out. One of which acted crazy because! Really. Or something equally ridiculous.

I for one am glad the media isn't picking up on this story. Let the little shits get locked up in anonymity. No point giving them victimhood status. There will be plenty of folks who will do that for us.

And Michael Eric Dyson thinks that Bill Cosby is crazy!