Wednesday, April 20, 2005

News flash, network news is dead!

There are many directions I can steer my blog.

I can get all geo-political, rant rave and do the "talking points" thing until I get my own book deal, or better yet a seat along side some Fox News or MSNBC pretty face.

Or i can wax poetic about how my life sucks, can't find a woman, and how generally depressed I am. Blah, blah, blah.

Or I can dick ride some other blogger who I love or hate and blow their ego up a bit.

But I can't do none of these things cause I am too unique an idividual, filled with too much self confidence and, dare I say, swagger.

So, what will follow will be a collection of my thoughts on whatever I want, whenever I feel like discussing it. Occasionally I will note some newsworthy or political event, but this is not that type of blog.

From time to time I may opine (as is my wont) on some socially relevant thing or occurance.

And, if I am drunk and/or really high off of pain-killers I might just get personal. But don't hold your breath.

Shit, I'm different. So my shit will be different.
Famous last words, from an unknown. (Beats the hell outta unknown last words from the famous. Think on it.)