Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Evolution = Theory = Bad = Good? Ok, now I'm really confused...

Pastor Chan Chandler has hit the road. The embattled former Pastor of the East Waynesville Baptist Church will now be available to preach to the masses in tent revivals across the country. I really can’t support the man but I’d LOVE to be his agent. I could make that man a millionaire inside of a year.

In other news, terrorists in Georgia may or may not have thrown a grenade towards the stage while the president was giving his speech in the former Soviet republic. The Secret Service may or may not have been informed promptly. And this may or may not be a story.

In Cobb County, Georgia the school board had the bright i-dear that putting stickers on science books that disclaimed evolution as a theory, not a fact.

Here’s a fact- as old as this story is, it just proves the point that people are dumb. Particularly school board members. Here’s a fact. In science, all facts are theories. Gravity is a theory. Magnetism is a theory. E=MC2 is a theory. Saying evolution is a theory is like saying that your most reviled rapper is bad. Bad means good, and theory means that thing just short of a fact because science doesn't really believe in facts; but to us non-scientists it is a fact because, what the hell do we know anyway.

Here’s another fact. Many Christians, it pains me to say, are dumb. I blame it on dumb pastors who lead the innocent astray, but as I pointed out in my last post, we as Christians have a duty to stay vigilant in light of those who would lead us astray. Use the thing God gave you between your ears.

Whether God pulled the earth from the lint on His beard, or created all matter from one big ‘bang’ is immaterial to the fact of His presence. Our faith is our shield against all that surrounds us. It is not used as a sword to bend others to our peace.

I close with this riddle, often used to disprove God, but for me it proved His very existence.

Is God omnipotent? If God is omnipotent, can God make a rock that God can’t move?

We can’t comprehend the answer, because our world is 3 dimensional. Our math and our science, our very logic cannot comprehend an answer for this riddle. Yet God exists, merely because he transcends the question, as well as our ability to understand the answer.

Intellectual Christianity. Try it sometime.


Lashawn discusses the problems in the D.C. schools. I know the D.C. school system very well. My father was once the Principled Principal of Ballou Senior High School, and of the administration of the D.C. public schools, I can say only this, "Nowhere in the galaxy is there a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

While we may not agree all the time, she has the courage of her convictions and the ferocity of her faith. And here, she is right on the money.