Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Chan Chandler Speaks!!!!

Because I truly believe in fair and balanced reporting, and because as an attorney I know there is always "your side", "my side" and "the truth" (which lies in the middle more often than not) I offer this.

Seems what we have here is a failure to communicate. Though if North Carolina isn't the Bizzarro World, I don't know what is. You mean to tell me that the old folks wanted to co-habitate, drink and get abortions while the "young'uns" wanted to pray and sing?


I am amazed.

Shocked, really.

Those baby boomers, man. They throw some righteous parties.

I was wrong. Not about Pastor Chandler. He's going to make a mint. I was wrong in thinking that old folks can't get down. I'm headed to my nearest 55+ community to get my swizzel on.