Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One of Life's Many Secrets: Who was Deep Throat?

According to the Associated Press (via Yahoo! news) "W. Mark Felt, 91, who was second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s," was 'Deep Throat', Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward's secret source for information on the Nixon White House following Watergate. He "kept the secret even from his family until 2002," so I'm a little miffed I am just learning about this now. I gotta call Mason HQ, because I'm not getting my conspiracy memos in a timely fashion like I should.

I hear these things, and I share accordingly.


And I quote, "and is there any other more persuasive reason than this to convince people that [your] kids need their asses beat when they are wrong?"
None that I can think of. Tragic and senseless.