Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Laura Bush for President?!?!? WTF!!!

Okay, so here’s the situation. If you listen closely to the various news outlets you’ll hear some troublesome rumblings. In their effort to find the “anti-Hillary”, some GOP publicist is floating a story of a possible Lady Laura run for the presidency. Yes, Laura ‘freakin’ Bush.

Now if this doesn’t prove, once and for all, that the conservatives are playing directly to the NASCAR base. Let’s analyze this, shall we?

Laura Bush has achieved a couple of things of note. First, she went to college, and earned a degree or two. Very impressive, I suppose. Secondly, she married George W. Bush. Somewhat less impressive. Thirdly, she has managed to stay married to the President through his wild days. More impressive. Fourthly... Okay, that’s all I got. So let’s recap.

She went to college and married a president. Yep, that seems like the resume of our chief executive. Get the §buck out of here! So being First Lady now qualifies us to be president, does it?

So is ole’ Hillary qualified? Not really, but she comes a whole hell of a lot closer than our honorable First Lady. At least Hillary went and got elected senator, you know, to get a feel for the inner workings of government and all. This is laughable.

But the real evil in this is that Laura Bush is elect-able to someone. If that’s the case than I vote for my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Mond. She’ll run this country like a well oiled machine. If a senator gets out of hand, he’ll have to go stand in the corner of the oval office.

And what does that say about the far-right electorate, if the powers that be truly think you’re that stupid. Don’t you want an executive that is, I dunno, smarter than you? I guess not. How about qualified? Nope. Seems the only requirements that matter are that they be Christian, holier-than-thou, Republican, and have the last name ‘Bush.’

Laura Bush as president... This country may really be going to hell in a hand basket, and I missed the memo.

I hope that the moderates can recover the Republican Party. Laura Bush... Guess Condi’s name wasn’t getting any traction. Is Liddy Dole available?